
  • Participated in FOGSI – Dr Usha Krishnan Quiz 2017-18 west zone finals and secured 2nd prize on 3rd june 2017 at Navi Mumbai.

  • Case presentation – “successful pregnancy outcome in CRF stage 5 with hemodialysis “ at 59th AICOG 2016 13th -17th jan 2016.

  • Participated as delegate “First International Urology symposium on cutting edge minimally invasive urology including “live robotic surgery “ on 20th feb at H.N.Reliance foundation hospital,Mumbai.

  • Participated Training Workshop on neonatal pediatric resuscitation held on 29th sept 2014 at T.N.M.C

  • Participated as delegate in 13th TATA Memorial Hospital –women’s cancer initiative

  • Successfully completed Master training in PPIUCD as training programme by FOGSI at T.N.M.C.

  • Participated as delegate during 12TH AAGL International Congress on the ultimate advance in Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery held at Renaissance hotel -2th -5th June 2016.

  • Participated as delegate in “Training on new PMDT AND TOG guidelines in RNTCP for MCGM medical officers organized by Mumbai district T.B. Control society on 27th Feb 2018.

  • Presented a paper titled “A Twisted Tale” in MOGS Conference High Risk Pregnancy on 25th - 26th Aug 2018.

  • Published A CASE REPORT in Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research title ; CAESEREAN SECTION FROM POSTERIOR WALL OF UTERUS in volume 6 issue 12 DEC 2018.

  • Completed Advanced Sonography Course Programme at Chikitsa Diagnostics and Ultrasound Training Centre.

  • Published a case series of 60 patients on “Effect of Epidural Analgesia on the duration of labour and pains: Comparative study “ As first author in International journal of Reproduction,Contraception,Obstetric and Gynecology.